Apr 6, 2010

The "Summary" of the World of Erutara

This is for my roleplaying clan in DuelingNinjas.com.

Before anything, there was Eruem. He created the World and made Erutara, then he created his children;
Hyrugos, god of fire and forging,
Haliex, god of darkness,
Ero, goddess of light,
Materana, goddess of nature,
Centrus, god of water, and the sea,
Lincal, the wandering god,
Tyrinus, god of the sky,
(More could be added later.)

Thus the First Age began. Eruem and his children populated Erutara with humans; people like us, and elves; creatures like humans but with the grace of the gods and longer life spans, they also created all other creatures. Peace reigned, but it did not last, Haliex and his brother Centrus, jealous of Eruem's power broke their connection with him and gathered all matter of Dark creatures to themselves. Lincal joined them as well, wanting in on their glory, but he didn't break his connection with Eruem.

Thus the Second Age began. Humans, elves and the remaining creatures in Erutara joined with Eruem and his remaining children. The war began. Lincal eventually saw the error of his ways and rejoined Eruem. The war broke Erutara and it changes it drastically. Thankfully, Haliex and Centrus were defeated. Eruem imprisoned Haliex underground never to walk in Erutara again. Centrus, he was a little more leniant on, believing it was his brother who had persuaded him to join him, he banished him to the sea. The end of the war brought the begining of a new, Third Age.

The humans and elves disbanded, eventually forming their own nations, and fighting for power among themselves. Eruem and the gods rested, and  things settled down for centuries, even some senient Dark creatures have rejoined Eruem. But something is about to change.... The Fourth Age is about to begin.

The humans, elves, and Azra(Dark angel-like creatues who joined the Light at the end of the war) have created 8 different nations. The gods have chosen to help each as they can, so each nation has a patron god. Eruem watches over them all.

The University, though not a real nation they wield great political power. Mages train there. They have no patron god. (Could be added later.)

Atera, lies in the center of the continent and is the richest nation. They have become a center of trade with almost every nation. Guarded by their specially trained Mage Knights, they have never been conquered. Their capital city is Asonivace. Their patron goddess is Ero.

Norwrath, is an allied nation to Atera. Located at Atreyarc's Mouth at the edge of the Rubinoc Ocean, they have a great navy. Though constantly raided by the Visgar and a little poorer than Atera, they are no less prouder. In fact you will never find a more proud people and with their beautiful architecture and weaponry, who could blame them? Their valiant Paladins would never let their nation fall. Erhaben is their capital city. Their patron god is Hyrugos.

Ryokoushi, desert nomads, live a harsh life. With fighting the giant Dark serpents that reside still there. They use a weird magic that lets them use spirits, and untap their power. This has earned them a unsettling reputation. The Shin Zo Shin, (The Death of Death, in their language.) guard their borders. Their capital city is Keison. Their patron god is Lincal.

Yavathanel, the last nation of the elves. Driven to the brink of exctinction, they are fierce fighters. None can enter their forest realm without their notice. The Ranger reside everywhere, even if you don't notice. Trifel is their capital city. Their patron god is Materana.

Septerna, the nation of the Azra, floats in the sky. Tyrinus, the god of the sky requested land for the race he had taken, and Erutara provided, great swaths of land rose to the sky, where they happily reside to this day. Their capital city is Novus Ortus.

The Visgar, are raiders of the sea. Not much is know of them. They live on a small island across the Rubinoc Ocean. Their patron god is Centrus. (NONPLAYABLE as of this time.)

The Selthi, traders and pirates, a nation of all nations, they also live on a large island in the Rubinoc Ocean. You can find members of every other nation

here. No law stands here, only power matters. (NONPLAYABLE as of this time.)

1 comment:

  1. I have read and enjoyed it. I am going to read more recent posts now. Morpheus
